Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Maybe I am no longer a blogger...

Honestly I forgot how to blog properly like I used to. I don't find my posts any different than those I've published on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. Social networking site stole the joy of blogging completely. Well, at least that's how I feel. I'm reflecting back on the reasons why I blog, why I stopped and why I want to be back again.

I want my blog entries to be unique and different from my content published anywhere else. I have to take advantage of the vast character allowance and spill my guts out not worrying that I'm going to get 0 attention, or 'LIKEs' as kids called it nowadays.

As the wise marketeer will say, "Content is king!". I want my content to be king. Is it easy? Hell no, but that's what this space is for. Practice, practice, practice. Easier said than done. We'll see how long until I completely forgotten the mantra.

And to think technology has helped to make blogging a lot more convenient, right? Truth is we are way... waaaaayyyyyyy to distracted with technology. I make it a habit to have moments where I will avoid technology completely. Whilst in the bus, I whip out a physical book to read instead of texting or checking on my Facebook news feed. I have people almost bumping into me because they have their eyes glues to their smartphone screens. To be honest, I made sure I bumped into them a little to emphasise the importance of safety. Nyaaahahahahaha!

The irony of it all, technology is my rice bowl. I am what people will call, Facebook Guru. What did I get myself into? How long until I call it quits? The answer is simple. When some smart ass college drop out comes up with Facebook 2.0. Vicious world we live in...

While I ponder on this further, do take some time to reconsider alternative joys in life that won't involve your gadgets.

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