Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Coca Cola Controversial SuperBowl Ad

Watch this video first:

Now tell me what you think? Answer these questions truthfully:
1. The video, did it represent the America that you know today?
2. The language, is it appropriate?
3. How did he video make YOU feel?

The response received from Americans after the ad was aired, needless to say, was not much of a surprise for me. The responses that Public Shaming grabbed from twitter DO NOT represent the response from the entire country as a whole.

My point is basically to not have America misrepresented by the rednecks and ignorant baboons who think too highly of themselves. It's ridiculous to think that Coke rely on them to earn money when they can reap even more profit selling outside of US, at double the price (or more) no doubt. English language clearly do not belong to the Americans and from the hate tweets, you can imagine the real English peeps crying a river at how their beautiful language had been badly butchered. 'There' and 'their', 'your' and 'you're'. Seriously, it is not that difficult!

I'm not way related to the Americans and the reason I brought this news up is because I can foresee something similar will happen to Singapore. Are you thinking about it now? I like to think my readers are smart, so... yeah.

What is Singapore's national language?
If your answer is English, sad to say you are absolutely wrong. The national language is Malay. Our national anthem is written and sang in Malay. Why you may ask? Our island were made up of Malay farmers, fisherman and other skilled workers. Technically all Malaysians citizens back then, but gain independence when Malaysia decided to not include us as part of the country, or something like that.

I don't think the Chinese peeps started taking over the country right after that. We still have the Indonesians, Brits, Dutch, and throw in the Japs too, before really regaining back our true identity. The Chinese and Indians were all immigrants, by the way. A little disclaimer: I failed all my history test and these details may or may not be accurate. You can Google at your own leisure pace. I cannot be arsed to do that.

So who are we to predict that one day we will have national songs written and sang in other languages? If they are done in English, it's still not so bad. At least all the PRs and expats can still understand the song. I can only imagine the uproar of the ignorant here trying to shoo the foreigners back to their own countries. When that day comes, I will go to sleep at night with a smile on my face. Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to cause any calamity to this, somewhat, peaceful nation. Just losing faith in humankind, that's all.

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